Top Notes Clovebuds Grapefruit Petit Grain
Heart Notes Black Coffee Orris Tonka Beans
Base Notes Musks Tobacco Vetiver
In the thirties skiing was a new-born sport reserved for a much reduced social elite. In those days St Moritz had already become the place to go for the European aristocracy and one of its habitual visitors was Albert Fouquet, creator of the Eight & Bob perfumes. He made interminable journeys there from Paris every winter.
Fouquet had been invited to the home of his friend Nicolas where he was looked after by a charming tailor who went from Megève to Paris every year to visit his best clients and to provide them with custom-made ski clothes for the season. While taking measurements there would be an engaging conversation in which the tailor and Nicolas recounted to Fouquet the delights of Megève. Fouquet already knew that the Baroness Maurice de Rothschild had recently decided to create a ski resort in Megève with more class and greater discretion than those in the Swiss Alps.